ABT Security Systems at Australasian Gaming Expo
Another successful experience for ABT Security Systems at the AGE2018 with our world’s best facial recognition security system, NEC NeoFace® WATCH. Unlike previous years, the Club and Gaming industry have really embraced the technology this year with a far broader understanding of the capabilities and member/guest welfare benefits that flow from our facial recognition system.
The benefits of our automated identification and alert-based interaction with people entering the premises and crossing into the gaming areas really resonated with the industry including:
- Reduce corporate risk and improved public safety from automated identification and restriction of self-excluded, barred, suspended, suspicious, undesirable, or inappropriate individuals entering the premises and accessing gaming areas;
- Enhanced Member experience and Increased revenue opportunities by immediate recognition of VIP’s and “high value” guests entering gaming areas for enhanced targeted hospitality.
We activated our “auto-enrol” function at the Show which meant Expo attendees could see themselves enrolled into the system and watch as it identified specific individuals with alerts for further action. Over 150 people sought us out and engaged with us at the show.